Join the CH ADACHE….

The CH ADACHE is a unique product of CH Cooperative. It is a thrift system which is meant to help startups raise fund to finance their business ideas. What differentiates CH ADACHE from other thrifts is the security, reliability and ease of operation.

The Following is The Process For The CH Adache:

The CH Adache will be coordinated and monitored by the CH Cooperative for the safety of all participating members.

1. You must be a registered member of CH Cooperative
2. To participate, you will send a request mail to in this format:
Full Name:
CH Cooperative Username:
Phone Number:
Amount You Want to contribute monthly:
What You Intend to do with the money:

The CH Cooperative will process your request and send you a mail to approve or turndown your request.

3. You will get a guarantor who will sign a post dated Cheque of the total amount of money you hope to get in the name of Barnawa CEOS HUB MPCS

4. The CH Cooperative will peer you with members in your location in your amount category with their contacts and expect you to connect with them.

5. The team of 5 will meet and agree on contribution order. They will all collect their post dated Cheques and post it to the Ceos Hub office address.

6. Contributions will commence and a grace of 3rd day of the next month is given as deadline for remittance of your contribution.

7. Defaulters account will be deactivated from the CH Cooperative database and will be tracked by the CH Cooperative to ensure payment.

8. Once a cycle is complete, you have to reapply and by then you can choose members to work with and not to work with by their username

9. You can report a member for delaying payment by sending a report mail

10. Every verified report attracts a fine of N1,000 which will be deducted from defaulter’s fund.
Failure to pay the fine will mean defaulter will no longer participate in other rounds of contribution as they will be blacklisted.

11. The contribution will not hinder your usual savings and monthly dues payment as a member of CH Cooperative as it might attract a penalty.